Title: The Tuz Lake
Time: 03:21
Media: Video-Art
Format: DVD Pal
Year: 2013
The video consist of
images of the relationships established with salt and water coming people to
Tuz Lake area of Central Anatolia in Turkey. Each shade of the human figure, in
space or lake almost proves the occurrence of bidirectional reality. The people
and their shadows determines a
direction in fabulous venue of salt and
water. They continues their adventures bacause of actions of walking and running
in the Salt Lake. The result is harmony
between the people and the nature
as an aesthetic and the naive.
Sanatçı İsmi: Şinasi
Eser İsmi: Tuz
Süre: 03:21
Süre: 03:21
Medya: Video-Art
Format: DVD Pal
Yıl: 2013
Bu video; Türkiye’de İç Anadolu bölgesinde yer alan Tuz Gölü’ne gelen insanların tuz ve su ile kurdukları ilişkilerin görüntülerinden oluşuyor.
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